Thursday, December 28, 2006

Actors and Trilogies

For a while now - I've been racking my brain with listing out actors (boy and girl types) that have played the same character in two sets of trilogies. Here is what I can remember - just add anything new to the list.

Sir Ian McKellen - Xmen/Lord of the Rings

Mel Gibson - Mad Max/Lethal Weapon

Orlando Bloom - Pirates/Lord of the Rings

Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones/Star Wars

Clint Eastwood - Dirty Harry/Spaghetti Westerns

Hugo Weaving - Matrix/Lord of the Rings

Sly Stallone - Rocky/Rambo

Christopher Lee - Lord of the Rings/Fu Manchu

Eddie Murphy - Beverly Hills Cop/Shrek

Michael Myers - Shrek/Austin Powers

Michael J. Fox - Stuart Little/Back to the Future

Matt Damon - Bourne Series/Ocean Series

Warwick Davis - Star Wars and Ewoks/Harry Potter/Leprechaun

Any others?

From Mancuso: Talia Shire - Rocky/The Godfather

From Dallas: Frank Oz - The Muppet Movies/Star Wars - Episodes I - III

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